Cat and Dog Surgery
& Spay and Neuter
in Dundee, MI
At Dundee Veterinary Clinic, we offer a broad selection of surgical services, including spay and neuter procedures for cats and dogs in Dundee. These surgeries help maintain your pet's health by preventing certain conditions and managing behaviors, while also contributing to pet population control. We also offer a variety of other surgeries, ensuring that each procedure is performed with the utmost care and attention. Our goal is to make every cat and dog surgery as comfortable and stress-free as possible for both pets and their owners.
Contact us at (734) 529-2429 or schedule an appointment online today!

The Importance of Spay and Neuter
Our commitment to keeping Dundee, MI, and surrounding areas safe and healthy includes promoting spay and neuter surgeries. These procedures help control pet overpopulation and lower the risk of certain health issues in dogs and cats, such as reproductive cancers (mammary and testicular) and infections (uterine and prostate). Additionally, spaying and neutering can reduce behaviors such as vocalizing, mounting, roaming, and aggression.

Additional Cat and Dog Surgery Services in Dundee, MI
Along with spaying and neutering, our veterinarians and team at Dundee Veterinary Clinic are equipped to perform a range of other soft-tissue surgeries, including:
Reproductive Surgeries
- Spays and neuters
- Pyometra
- Vulvoplasty
Soft Tissue Surgeries
- Cystotomy
- Gastropexy
- Exploratory
- Hernia repair
- Abscess repair
- Laceration repair
Orthopedic Surgeries
- Leg and tail amputations
- Dewclaw removal
Oncological Surgeries
- Tumor/mass removals
- Mastectomy
Oncological Surgeries
- Entropion repair
- Eye enucleation
Reproductive Surgeries
- Spays and neuters
- Pyometra
- Vulvoplasty
Soft Tissue Surgeries
- Cystotomy
- Gastropexy
- Exploratory
- Hernia repair
- Abscess repair
- Laceration repair
Orthopedic Surgeries
- Leg and tail amputations
- Dewclaw removal
Oncological Surgeries
- Tumor/mass removals
- Mastectomy
Oncological Surgeries
- Entropion repair
- Eye enucleation
Reproductive Surgeries
- Spays and neuters
- Pyometra
- Vulvoplasty
Soft Tissue Surgeries
- Cystotomy
- Gastropexy
- Exploratory
- Hernia repair
- Abscess repair
- Laceration repair
Orthopedic Surgeries
- Leg and tail amputations
- Dewclaw removal
Oncological Surgeries
- Tumor/mass removals
- Mastectomy
Oncological Surgeries
- Entropion repair
- Eye enucleation